Please Support Great Writing in 2022.
Plus, the Best of (an Admittedly Crappy) 2021
Standing in a former thicket of invasive vines.
Looking back at the 30 posts from The In-Between in 2021, I see how we all muddled through this year: working while kids were home and responding to the ever-shifting realities of COVID while surrounded by political turmoil. This newsletter also reminded me that life is always a muddle – it always feels messy and unpredictable – and that the classic teachings of Buddhism and the Alexander Technique help us grow our wisdom right on the spot, right where we are.
My hope is that The In-Between has been able to meet the colossal strain and confusion of this year and help you feel less alone or deficient by reminding you of your path. I’ve shared interviews with innovative authors, recorded meditations that you can practice from the comfort and safety of your own home, talked about parenting when you’re pissed, and showed the simple equation of swimming that took me decades to figure out. The full library of posts is here.
At this end of year, I’m asking that you consider supporting The In-Between and my work by making a donation. Your generosity allows this writing to continue and deepen. It will also directly support the book I’m writing and intend to finish in 2022. This book is about how to transform the experience of pain and illness into a path of openness and kindness (I promise it’s funny). I’m raising funds to hire an editor to assist with this manuscript.
If you’re able to, please support my work and future newsletters by making a donation via:
Venmo –
PayPal –
Old-school check (email me for a mailing address)
It’s been amazing to connect with you during this time in which many of us are separated. I wish us all strength, wisdom, and good humor to meet 2022.
In health,